
Unity A* Pathfinding in real-time built world (2021)

Demonstration video

The goal of this project was to be able to work on a real-time built environment in which entities can move. This allowed me to work on a short project in a 3D environment, not having at the time of the project enough time and ideas to devote myself to the creation of a full game that would use this. As shown in the demo video, the environment is entirely built by the user, and the entities can then move around in it. Having no specific goal, they randomly choose a point of the graph, look for their path to get there and then follow it. If the path is broken along the way, a new one is computed.

Unity CI Test Project (2021)

This project is an attempt to use Github actions to setup a Unity Project with Continuous Integration. It uses existing actions to setup the workflow to run Unit Tests and then build for multiple platforms.

Currency tracker (2020 - 2021)

On the right, additional informations about certains currency of the game (owned quantity)

Currency tracker is an Add-On for The Elder Scrolls Online. This Add-On uses the game API to track specials currencies of the games to warn the player when it reaches a user-defined threshold. The Add-On is written in LUA scripting language.

Procedural Generation Initiation (2019)

A grid map procedurally generated

This project was an attempt to create a procedural map. It is a small game with a simple movement where the goal is to reach the red room, leading to the end. It is then possible to play again, increasing the size of the map. Each room is a square with one to four entries, and all of these rooms are linked together. The red room is one of the map's rooms, randomly selected.